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One of the great advantages of the WordPress content management system is the wide variety of themes that it offers. This makes it easy for non-technical users to design a website that looks great and is responsive to various screen sizes and types of device.
It can be easy for even the most seasoned of website developers to become overwhelmed by the number of themes that are offered. A good way to filter them down is to go to the website of a professional WordPress theme developer who has an obvious track record. By choosing a professional, you have a higher chance of selecting a theme that is robustly coded and will be kept up to date and, most crucially of all, security patched for many years to come.
One of the best parts of WordPress' theme functionality is that it allows you to change from one theme to another without losing the content that is already in place on your website. To do this, you simply need to upload the new theme files to your FTP server and select your new theme in the WordPress admin interface. Do take a few moments to go through your site and check for any bugs once you've selected your new theme as bugs can sometimes arise and it is important that you spot them before your users do.
Developing with WordPress makes it easy to customize your website and adapt it based on your changing needs. Just be sure to spend a while researching your theme to ensure it is suitable.
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